Sacrofata: The Capital of Extasis

Sacrofata is the largest city in all of Extasis. The city has served as the capital of the country ever since the destruction of the previous capital. Situated at the top of a mighty peak, the odds of an assault hitting the new capital are practically zero. The president of Extasis, Nero Gaines, lives in the mansion that towers over the city’s center. The cit of Sacrofata can be seen from almost anywhere in Extasis.

Extasis Travel Brochure on Sacrofata

Litus: The Sea’s Gate

Litus is the only port town in all of Extasis due to the fear Extasians have towards “outlanders”. Litus is the smallest town in all Extasis because it is the closest town to the feared continent known as Elisi. Set inside a small valley with only two paths leading to the rest of Extasis, it’s difficult to pass into or out of town unseen. Despite its status as a port town, only one ship leaves Litus’ shipyard each year, though nobody wants to be on board.

Extasis Travel Brochure on Litus

Macul: The City of Light

Macul is the second largest city in all of Extasis after Sacrofata, the capital of Extasis. Traditionally, Macul is known as the City of Light. However it also proudly bears the name “The City of Entertainment” and “The City of Endless Revelry”. Not much gets done in Macul, but the people that live there are always in a state of bliss. If you’re ever in need of a vacation, Macul is the one and only destination you could ever want.

-Extasis Travel Brochure on Macul